We can recommend and organise investigations wherever these would be helpful. We can refer you to a private hospital or clinic for X-rays, Ultrasounds, CT Scans, MRIs, Mammograms and Dexascans.
If you would like a referral for any type of scan, please book a 20-minute face to face GP Appointment priced at £93. If you go ahead with a referral to a private clinic or hospital then this is priced at £5 per referral. The clinic/hospital will then contact you with an appointment and you will pay the clinic/hospital directly for their service. The results of your scan will be sent to us and we will then send them to you as soon as the requesting doctor has seen the results and provided their comments/advice.
To book please call us on 01202 761150 or email
We can provide the referral for an X-ray, CT or Ultrasound scan and arrange for this to be carried out at a local private hospital.
MRIs are carried out in a specially designed tunnel at a private hospital or in an open enclosure at a local physiotherapy or chiropractic clinic. The doctor will suggest which one is most appropriate for you and will make the arrangements.
Check availability and book your appointment instantly.
Call us 8.30am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday
Weekend answerphone service only
Dorset Private GP Ltd
7 Poole Road, Bournemouth, BH2 5QR
Company Number 11893760