Medical Screening (A full body MOT)
The earlier a condition is spotted, the easier it is to treat. We offer a comprehensive medical screening looking at over 50 markers in the blood, plus other tests and a head to toe physical examination. This is a full body check-up designed to have once a year or at least every 2 years. There is an under 60s and over 60s screening available and both have the option to choose some additional tests or scans to tailor make the perfect medical screening for you.

Our comprehensive medical screening provides a thorough assessment of your whole body
The screening is designed to do the following:
- To give peace of mind
- To help monitor and manage any pre-existing health or medical problems.
- To spot any new potential health or medical problems which can then be addressed with our support and help.
There is an Under 60s and Over 60s Comprehensive Medical Screening. You are free to choose the one you prefer. The screenings will detect common medical problems including:
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes
- High Cholesterol
- Lung Disease
- Mental Health Problems - Anxiety & Depression
- Breast Lumps
- Anaemia
- Kidney Disease
- Liver Disease
- Prostate Cancer
- Memory Issues - In over 60s medical
- Balance Issues - In over 60s medical
- Infections
- Thyroid Problems
- Bowel Cancer
- Vitamin D Deficiency
- Heart Disease
- Iron Level Abnormalities
- Testicular Lumps

The Comprehensive medical screening is made up of two appointments.
Part One is a 40-50 minute appointment with a nurse and Part Two is a 40 minute appointment with a doctor of your choice on another day.
A Medical Screening Report containing all the results of the tests and examinations is emailed or sent to you in the post. The report includes recommendations and advice from the doctor to help resolve problems and to help improve your health and wellbeing going forward.
Please find below the full list of tests included in the Under 60s and Over 60s Comprehensive Medical Screenings.
Additional tests and scans can be added to your Comprehensive Medical Screening. See below the additional tests and scans available.
Under 60s Comprehensive Medical Screening
£595 (A £195 deposit is taken at the time of booking)
Please click here for the full list of tests and checks included.
Part One with a Nurse includes the following:
- “Q-risk” assessment – a cardiovascular disease calculator
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Body Fat and Muscle Composition
- Blood pressure readings
- Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Measurement – to check lung function
- ECG - to check for heart disease and rhythm abnormalities
- Urine Dip Test - to check for infection
- Lipid Profile Blood Tests –This includes triglycerides, total cholesterol & your break down of good and bad fats
- Full Blood Count and ESR (non-specific inflammation),
- Kidney Function & Liver Function blood tests
- Bone Profile blood test
- Thyroid Function blood test
- Random Blood Glucose & Diabetes blood test
- Vitamin D Level blood test
- Prostate specific antigen for men
- Iron & Ferritin Level blood test
- Stool Test - A stool kit is given to you to take home. When you are ready, you can then post the sample to the laboratory in the pre-paid envelope available.
- A Mental Health Assessment - You will be sent two tests to complete after your nurse appointment. Both tests are a short series of questions designed to test your levels of current anxiety and possible depression. You can complete the tests and submit them electronically. They will automatically be added to your secure notes and will be seen by the doctor ready to be discussed with you at Part 2 of your medical screening.
Part Two with a doctor includes the following:
(At least 2 days after Part 1), the 40-minute consultation and examination can take place with a male or female GP of your choice. The doctor will conduct a full head to toe examination of your body including an optional prostate and testicular exam for men and a breast examination for women. The doctor will then discuss your test results and address any concerns, symptoms, past medical history, family history and medication. The doctor can then issue any medications required and make any necessary referrals to a private or NHS specialist.
Over 60s Comprehensive Medical Screening
£630 (A £195 deposit is taken at the time of booking)
Please click here for the full list of tests and checks included.
Part One with a Nurse includes the following:
- Memory Assessment
- Balance Assessment
- Ovarian Tumour Marker blood test
- “Q-risk” assessment – a cardiovascular disease calculator
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Body Fat and Muscle Composition
- Peak Expiratory Flow Rate Measurement – to check lung function
- ECG - to check for heart disease and rhythm abnormalities
- Urine dip test – to check for infection
- Lipid Profile Blood Test - This includes triglycerides, total cholesterol & your break down of good and bad fats
- Full Blood Count and ESR (non-specific inflammation)
- Kidney Function & Liver Function blood tests
- Bone Profile blood test
- Thyroid Function blood test
- Random Blood Glucose & Diabetes blood test
- Vitamin D Level blood test
- Prostate Specific Antigen blood test for men
- Iron & Ferritin Levels blood test
- Stool Test - A stool kit is given to you to take home. When you are ready, you can then post the sample to the laboratory in the pre-paid envelope included.
- A Mental Health Assessment - You will be sent two tests to complete after your nurse appointment. Both tests are a short series of questions designed to test your levels of current anxiety and possible depression. You can complete the tests and submit them electronically. They will automatically be added to your secure notes and will be seen by the doctor ready to be discussed with you at Part 2 of your medical screening.
Part Two with a doctor includes the following:
(At least 2 days after Part 1), the 40-minute consultation and examination takes place with a GP. The doctor will conduct a full head to toe examination of the body including an optional prostate and testicular exam for men and a breast examination for women. The doctor will then discuss the test results and address any concerns, symptoms, past medical history, family history and medication. The doctor can then issue any medications needed and make referrals to any necessary private or NHS specialists.
Additional tests you can add to your Comprehensive Medical Screening
B12 and Folate (B12f) Blood Test - ££50
Choose this test if you have certain symptoms - please click on "see more" for further information
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Doctors will normally only recommend a B12f test if you have already had a blood test and it shows you have anaemia (lack of red blood cells). However, if you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet or you have any symptoms of neuropathy then you may like to select a B12f blood test as an addition to the other tests in your screening. Symptoms of neuropathy are as follows:
- Pain, tingling or loss or sensation in the feet or hands
- Loss of balance or weakness
- A cut or ulcer on your foot which will not heal
A deficiency in B12 and Folate can also cause the following symptoms:
- Extreme tiredness (fatigue) and lack of energy (lethargy)
- Breathlessness
- Feeling faint
- Headaches
- Pale skin
- Noticeable heartbeats (Palpitations)
- Hearing sounds coming from inside body, rather than an outside source (tinnitus)
Advanced Cardiovascular Risk Blood Tests - £103
Choose this test for additional peace of mind or if you have a family history of heart attacks or strokes
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- Lipoprotein (a)
- High-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hsCRP)
- NT-pro BNP
It has now been proven that a high level of Lipoprotein (a) can increase your chances of a heart attack or stroke (a cardiac event). Unfortunately, a high level of lipoprotein (a) is caused by genetics and is not linked to diet and exercise. Therefore, you can be very fit and healthy and have the perfect cholesterol, but your chances of a cardiac event as you get older are still increased.
If it is discovered you have a higher level of lipoprotein (a) than normal, then we will advise a strict risk reduction plan to prevent a cardiac problem in the future.
High-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hsCRP) is a marker of inflammation. A high level of this in the blood has been linked to heart attacks. Also, people who have had a heart attack are more likely to have another heart attack if they have a high (hs-CRP) level.
NT-pro BNP is a hormone released by the heart when the ventricles are
stretched e.g. by fluid overload. NT-pro BNP is a primary screening tool for the diagnosis/exclusion of heart failure.
You may like to choose the high risk cardiovascular blood tests if you have a family history of heart attacks and strokes, or you have had a heart attack in the past or you would just like additional peace of mind.
Cervical Screening, Smear Test – Two Options Available - £65 - £130
Choose a smear test if you have not had one in the last 3 years or you have had abnormal cells detected in the past and would like the cells checked again (option 2)
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OPTION 1 – £63 – In the NHS this type of smear test is the only one routinely offered. The test will only screen for the presence of the HPV virus. If this is detected then the cytology (checking the cells) will be carried out to see if there are any abnormal cells present. Evidence shows HPV testing is a more effective way to identify women at risk of cervical cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common virus transmitted through sexual contact. Certain sub-types of HPV are linked to the development of abnormal cells and can cause cervical cancer. Please note, if HPV is detected by the lab, then the cytology will be carried out free of charge.
OPTION 2 –£126 – If you would like the Cytology (checking of the cells) carried out regardless of whether you have a negative or positive HPV result, then you can request to have both tested at the same time.
This test offers more peace of mind for women who have had abnormal cells detected in the past.
Ovarian Cancer Marker (CA125) Blood Test - £45
Choose this test for additional peace of mind or you have a family history of ovarian cancer.
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This blood test checks for raised levels of a protein called CA125. It is normal to have some CA125 in the blood, but levels may be higher. A raised reading might be caused by other problems than cancer but would lead to further investigations to exclude cancer.
A Vascular Screening Package Using Ultrasound - £165
Choose this test for additional peace of mind or if you have a family history of heart attacks strokes or aneurysms
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This is a package of scans used to detect vascular disease. We refer you to a vascular scientist who carries out the scans at a clinic in Poole. The vascular scientist is an HCPC registered Clinical Scientist & has 35 years experience working in the NHS and in private practice. The investigations include:
- Screening scans of carotid and vertebral arteries, a major source of stroke if narrowed or diseased.
- Checking the size of the abdominal aorta, this is the largest blood vessel in the human body. Aneurysms (dilatation or enlargement) of the aorta (AAA) can occur. If the diameter of the aorta increases to 5.5cm or more the risk of rupture is significant and specialist help should be sought. There is currently an NHS national screening program for AAA with scans offered to men at age 65. However, some people miss this opportunity (as do women who are at lower risk)
- Assessing arterial blood flow in the major arteries supplying the feet.
A Screening for over 70 types of cancer using the TruCheck blood test - £1230
TruCheck™ is a revolutionary test, based on a simple blood draw, for the early detection of multiple types of early stage cancer in asymptomatic Individuals
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Over 70 types of cancers can be detected in their early stages, including:
- Lung Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Liver Cancer
- Melanoma
- Bladder Cancer
- Kidney Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Skin Cancer
Before the blood test is carried out, a free 10-minute telephone consultation with a doctor is required first.
How To Book
If you live in or near the towns of Poole or Christchurch, then our Bournemouth clinic is the perfect location for you to have your Medical Screening. If you live closer to Weymouth or Bridport then why not try our Poundbury clinic located in Dorchester.
If you would like to book a Comprehensive Medical Screening or you have any questions, please fill out the below form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can call to book an appointment or ask any questions on 01202 761150 or email us at